Gentle Yoga Postures for Beginners

Gentle yoga postures performed lying down will support the spine and are ideal for the absolute beginner or those who have never exercised before.

Everyone can enjoy some of the benefits that a regular yoga practice has to offer. Yoga postures can be performed seated in a chair or on the floor, laying, kneeling and standing. Breathing techniques or pranayamas can be performed almost anywhere as and when required to help relieve stress and clear the mind. Yoga is especially suitable for those who are new to exercise and looking for a gentle practice that provides general stress relief, mobility and relaxation. In such cases it is a good idea to begin with postures that are performed laying down. Spending time performing these postures will allow the practitioner to familiarise themselves with the concept of yoga whilst the body is supported so no unnecessary stress ot tension is experienced.

The following yoga techniques provide a starting point for those requiring a gentle yoga practice. When moving through the folowing postures it is important to breathe slowly in and out through the nose. This will help to focus the mind and gently relieve stress and tension from the body. Never force the body into any postures. If pain or discomfort is experienced make sure that the body is relaxed immediately. It is a good idea to practice first thing in the morning after a emptying your bladder and bowels and before eating. It is recommended that you shower before and after your practice to remove any negative or stagnant energy. Always make sure the area in which you are practicing is warm, free from obstacles and odours and always use a non slip yoga mat.
Semi Supine

Although this is not a traditional yoga posture, for beginners it is the perfect position to begin the yoga practice in. It helps beginners establish correct alignment.

Lay on the back with the knees bent and the soles of the feet on the floor. Relax the arms alongside the body with the palms facing up. Spend a little time scanning through your body noticing any areas of tension and become aware of your alignment. The spine should form a straight line, the nose should point straight up, the hips should be square, both sides of the body should be equal in length, make sure that the weight is distributed evenly through the soles of the feet and the outside edges of the feet are parrallel.

Now place the hands to space between the navel and sternum. Breathe slowly in and out through the nose, notice how the area above the navel rises with each inhalation and falls with each exhalation. to prepare both body and mind for the following postures remain here for at least five minutes focussing on the breath entering and leaving the body.
Jathara Parivartanasana (Semi Supine Spinal Twist)

This posture will increase agility and coordination, mobilise the lower back and pelvis, provide a subtle massage for the organs of digestion and gently stretch the sides of the body.

Begin lying on the back with the knees bent. The arms are level with the shoulders and the palms are facing up. Feel as though each hand is being pulled and gently relax the shoulders down into the floor. Inhale and on the exhalation let the knees fall to the right and turn the head to the left. Inhale and return to the starting position. On the next exhalation let the knees fall to the left and turn the head to the right. Inhale return to the starting position. Continue with this technique coordinating breath and movement whilst breathing slowly through the nose. Repeat for ten or more complete breath cycle

Apanasana (the wind release)

This posture gently massages the digestive system, helps to release trapped wind, improves posture, alleviates tension in the lower back and strengthens the lower abdominal muscles.

Lie on the back and draw the knees in towards the chest, lightly hold the knees or shins, breathe slowly in and out through the nose, lightly close the eyes and soften the shoulders down towards the floor. Inhale and allow the knees to drift 5 – 10 cm away from the body. Exhale and draw the knees in towards the chest returning to the starting position. Continue like this breathing and moving slowly connecting both breath and movement. Keep the lower back in contact with the floor especially as the knees drift away – to ensure this happens engage the lower abdominal muscles throughout the entire exercise, continue for at least ten slow and controlled complete breath cycles.
Leg Extensions

Performing simple leg extensions will provide a gentle stretch for the hamstring muscles and mobilise the pelvis and lower back.

Begin these leg extensions from apanasana (the wind release) and place the arms to the floor alongside the body with the palms facing up. Breathe slowly in and out through the nose. Inhale and unfold the right leg extending it straight up with the foot flexed. Inhale and point the foot and then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Continue this technique for twenty complete breath cycles breathing slowly in and out through the nose.
Savasana (The Corpse)

Perform this posture at the end of a yoga practice to help relax both body and mind. Lay on the back with the arms along side the body and palms facing up. Scan through the body to ensure that the body is in a straight line. Breathe slowly in and out through the nose and work to release tension with each out breath. Remain here for as long as is required.

Always seek medical advice before beginning a new exercise programme if you are pregnant or suffer from any medical conditions.