Getting fit without spending money

Getting fit without spending money.

You don't have to spend a dime to become fit today. Belonging to a gym or fitness center is all well and good, but it is costly and it's not a requirement to getting fit. You will become just as fit with a program you devise yourself. Here are some ways to become fit without spending money:

1. Exercise before work or after work by going out for a walk. Walking is one of the best ways to increase overall fitness. With each step you take, you are doing a good thing for your body. Walking has also been found to be of great benefit to your mental fitness level as well. When done in the morning, walking helps you prepare mentally for the day ahead. When you incorporate a walk at the end of the day, it helps you clear your mind of the stress and debris of the day. You can also combine your walking exercise with a trip to the park and enjoy the nature in your area.

2. Jogging is another good way to increase fitness without spending money. Setting up a jogging routine is similar to what you would do for devising a walking routine with similar benefits.

3. Weight training is helpful to building stronger muscles. You don't need a fancy set of weights to devise a weight training program for yourself. First, search the Internet for diagrams of good weight training exercises. Make your own weights. For hand weights, for example, you could use canned vegetables or you could fill water bottles of various sizes with kitty litter or change depending on how heavy you want them to be. The point to keep in mind with weight training is to start off with a minimal amount of weight and only a few repetitions and work up from there.

4. You can work on your fitness through dancing. It takes a good deal of fitness to dance for any length of time. Put on some music at home and just begin to move. Increase the amount you do and your fitness by adding one song after another to your free-flowing exercise.

5. An exercise routine you devise yourself or one that you find on TV is another way to increase your fitness without spending money. Check your TV listings for shows that will provide you guidance and keep you moving. Or just make up your own routine and commit yourself to repeating it daily.

By increasing your fitness without spending money, you'll feel good on two levels about what you have accomplished. It's always a great thing when you can achieve something so beneficial and save money at the same time.