Stretch Marks are red or purple lines, formed when the skin stretches too far. Over time, these lines can change in color into white or silver lines. This can happen during pregnancy or due to rapid weight gain. Fortunately these marks can be treated.
As with anything, prevention is better than repair. Especially in the third trimester of a pregnancy, skin should be moisturized several times a day. You, as a mother to be, should rub your belly, hips, buttocks and breasts with shea butter, cocoa butter or olive oil. It is recommended to not just rub the skin but to massage your belly, promoting good blood circulation.
Skin that already shows signs of stretch marks should be treated intensively with wheat germ oil and Vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen and is an excellent way to combat stretch marks.
In addition you could use capsules of Vitamin A or E. Break the capsule open and apply the oil on the skin affected with stretch marks. Vitamin E has a healing affect on the skin and will encourage skin to heal and rebuild itself.
You also might want to try coffee beans. The coffee beans should be grinded to a fine powder and then mixed with olive oil. The mixture should be rubbed on the stretch marks area for about a minute. Cover your belly with a towel to keep warm and leave for about five minutes and then wash off.
Drinking plenty of water is good for everyone, but especially when you’re pregnant. Water keeps your skin properly hydrated.
You should also eat healthy. It stands to reason that you should also eat healthy. Be sure to eat foods high in zinc and Vitamins A and E. These elements can be found in fresh fruit and veggies, bran and nuts. Not only are they good for you, they benefit your baby too.
Junk food should be avoided. Not only is junk food unhealthy, it will cause you unnecessary weight gain. By avoiding these foods you are preventing fat getting stored in your belly and buttocks areas.
In addition try exercising. Bending, stretching and light weight lifting not only keeps muscles supple, but promotes good blood circulation. Keep in mind to consult your doctor before starting such an exercise routine.
Stay out of the sun. Not only are sun rays harmful to your skin, they can make stretch marks permanent. If you cannot avoid sunlight, be sure to cover up.
It takes a little time and effort, but with the right diet and exercises stretch marks can be eliminated.