Should hybrid owners be fined more for speeding than owners of conventional vehicles?

Choosing to select a hybrid car is a clear decision to implement environmentally sound practices. As a result, speeding is a very inefficient use of resources. This not only circumvents the energy awareness a hybrid car is designed to protect but is also a clear indication of indifference by the owner. The fact that it is a hybrid car magnifies and exacerbates the environmental indifference. Consequently, this should be a greater infraction than a regular hydrocarbon-emitting vehicle (these people are already indifferent to environmental concerns).

Once an individual sends, a clear message regarding the environment there is a tacit implication that suggests this message is relevant. Choosing to ignore or violate the message is not only worse than those who are indifferent from the outset, but also indicating that although they are aware, they simply do not care. Those driving a regular hydrocarbon emitter retain the tacit assumption that they may remain unaware of the environmental consequences.

In addition, those driving a regular hydrocarbon emitting vehicle may not be able to afford the transition to a more environmentally friendly alternative whereas, the hybrid owner is clearly stating the environment is a priority and must be taken seriously. Now, insert the hybrid speeder who has already clearly taken a stand for the environment. Nothing is more offensive than watching the individual indiscriminately waste energy and produce inefficient emissions right in front of the remainder who may have no choice.

Clearly, operation of a hydrocarbon-emitting vehicle provides the driver with the benefit of the doubt. The hybrid owner has no such amnesty since procurement of such an energy efficient vehicle clearly removes any question as to their awareness of environmental issues. Furthermore, the “hybrid” efficiency component is not only negated, but also jeopardized by the inefficient activities of the owner. In the worst case, the hybrid component may become damaged making the hybrid vehicle a gross polluter in disguise. In this case, not only is the operator creating unnecessary pollution, but the infraction may go unnoticed by law enforcement due to the “hybrid” disguise.

In the event this circumstance arises, the hybrid may actually contribute to greater pollution than the regular hydrocarbon-emitting variety. This inadvertently contributes to a greater amount of pollution than reasonable alternatives may present. Clearly, the hybrid owner consciously takes on a greater responsibility for the ecosystem than others. As a result, they must be held to the same higher standard that they presented upon initial ownership.

Since both hybrid vehicles and conventional hydrocarbon-emitters are designed for optimal consumption and emissions when following regulatory speed limits. Choosing to deviate from these guidelines remains a clear indication of environmental indifference. Since the hybrid is a conscious effort to remain environmentally aware, deviating from the speed limit provisions is also a clear indication of owner indifference that flies in the face of previously known environmental consequence. The consequences are magnified in the case of the hybrid owner because no such consequence can be verifiably implied by a traditional hydrocarbon-emitting vehicle owner. Any reasonable legal provisions should recognize this and act accordingly.